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 2020/10/27 16:19:16   浏览次数:





  1、fear 2、ease

  3、host 4、Scene

  5、tough 6、turned down

  7、much close 8、in my view

  9、had finished 10、neither of

  11、used to work 12、In

  13、that 14、figure out

  15、Where 16、other

  17、look after 18、 C

  19、 C 20、 D


  21、to 22、contribute

  23、C 23、A

  25、D 26、creating

  27、 remember 28、 inspire

  29、 never 30、in

  31、act 32、guides

  33、when 34、around

  35、decisions 36、The funding for music..

  37、it is fudamental to..

  38、Music education..


  40、Dogs' apparent..


  41、they started... 42、A researcher

  43、to show... 44-47 未知

  48、A person keeps... 49、potatoes

  50、B 51、A 52、D

  53、A 54、D 55、D

  56.G where are you heading

  57.A no problem

  58.E he needs it for trmnments

  59.D how about your

  60.F I think so

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